St. Columba's Primary School

From little acorns, big oaks grow!

General Info


The school day commences at 9.00 a.m.

 Pupils are expected to arrive between 8.40 am and 8.50 am so that classes can begin promptly.

Any child who arrives in school after 9.15 a.m. will be recorded as late.

Break – 10.45-11.00am (Only fruit, vegetables and bread are permitted.)


Lunch - 12.30-1.10pm. The school operates a cash cafeteria.  A menu is sent out to all families.


Reception finish school at 12.30pm

Year 1 and 2  finish school at 1.45pm

Year 3 -7 finish school at 2.45pm


The school is serviced by an N.E.E.L.B. bus.

If you are collecting your child before 2.45pm we would ask you to report to the school office.

All parents are asked to complete a form detailing those who have parental consent to collect their children.

Appointments within the school day should be kept to a minimum.  However, if you have to collect your child early please allow adequate time prior to the appointment time as children may be in the parish hall, church etc. 

Please report to the school office on arrival, not the child's classroom.  A member of staff will assist you when you arrive.  We have a record book which must be signed if children arrive late or leave early.

 A note is required if a child has to leave early or if a method of transport is to change.


You will receive regular written correspondence about school life and events via your child. Posts will also be put on Seesaw.

We also recommend that you visit the website for regular updates. 

We also have a texting service to parents.  We generally use this in emergencies or for short term notification eg. school closure due to weather conditions.


Children are required by law to attend school therefore your child’s regular and punctual attendance is very important. Class register will be taken daily.  These registers are forwarded to the Education and Welfare Officer. If children miss school, a note explaining all absences is required by the

Education Welfare Officer.  A set of absence notes will be sent home at the beginning of the school year.  An attendance of 85% or below throughout the year is a loss of approximately 6 weeks education for a child.  Should attendance become an issue, the EWO will become responsible for monitoring the attendance of that pupil.  Parents are expected to inform the school about planned holidays during the school year.  However, a family holiday during term time should be avoided, as it disrupts a child’s education and is considered as UNAUTHORISED by the attendance officer.  Children may fail to master vital concepts missed during such absences and work will not be given for the children to do on holiday.